Harmony has expanded her inventory in terms of quantity and diversity of plants each year of business. The nursery’s most popular delicacies - grafted fruit trees and apples - are the most requested.

I’m so excited to watch apple, plum, apricot, peach, goji, current, raspberry, grape, nitrogen fixers galore, herbs and strawberries galore to grow in this beautiful, edible ecosystem Harmony helped us created,” Armour-Carter said.Ĭolorado Edible Forest’s nursery is located on a half-acre of hillside at 7,200 feet in Spring Valley. “She helps us care for the vision that is such a beautiful reality. “She helped me map out the timing, provided a variety of fruit trees to choose from, and enlightened me to the permaculture perspective.” “I had a vision for an orchard on our property, and after meeting Vanessa at Dandelion Days, I knew she was my orchard mentor,” she said. Molly Armour-Carter and her husband, Travis, own Cattle Creek Gardens in Carbondale. Harmony can make revenue by cloning edible trees with her technology and nursery, propagating them, and then selling them. She will clone them through grafting - think Dolly the sheep for trees. “An example is the apple and plum trees that were brought here by the settlers 100 years ago and still producing,” she said. Tree grafting, one of her specialties, helps propagate fruit trees growing in the region that might have tasty fruit, but also might be aging. I’m the root source for small-scale, commercial fruit trees, edible perennial plants, and edible landscaping plants in the Roaring Fork Valley,” she said. “While there are farmers who will do fruit-tree grafting, it’s primarily for their own farm uses. The space provides her the opportunity to grow and thrive in her niche market. Here, she co-farms and benefits from a big team farm model of support, infrastructure, and mentorship. I came to the Roaring Fork Valley with the mission of expanding the edible landscape nursery at Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, learning my trade from Jerome Osentowski,” said Harmony.įast-forward three years under Osentowski’s tutelage in Basalt to 2019, and Harmony expanded and partnered with Jared Kerst of Rivendell Farms in Spring Valley of Glenwood Springs. “I spent two more years on the East Coast working at a tree-care company, and later a tree nursery, before coming to the realization it was time to transplant myself, for good, to the Rocky Mountains. This New York-based learning included tending and harvesting education of edible perennial plants and solidified Harmony’s plant nerdiness. This realization led to quitting her cubicle job and accepting a forest gardening apprenticeship at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Sleepy Hollow, notable for education and its burgeoning Blue Hill’s kitchen menu presentation among chefs. There is no better points system than the one at Aurora and Denver Dispensaries.Vanessa Harmony, center, at work with a client for Colorado Edible Forest. Cashback can be redeemed at certain points levels, with a maximum of $200 discount. You will receive 4% cashback as points which you can keep on your profile. Our cashback reward program Harvest Rewards, which is available at all of our stores for recreational marijuana products, is called Harvest Rewards. To earn 4% cashback for all of your purchases in-store, sign up to Harvest Rewards at no cost. Live updates can be found on our Instagram for the most current information about when, where and which strains are being dropped.

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