Yellow submarine album songs
Yellow submarine album songs

yellow submarine album songs

Finally, the Sea of Holes – where Jeremy is kidnapped by one of the Blue Meanies patrolling the outskirts of Pepperland.Foothills of the Headlands (or Sea of Heads) – where they are separated from the submarine and John sings " Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds",.As they leave, however, Jeremy starts crying and Ringo takes pity on Jeremy and lets him join them aboard the submarine. Sea of Nothing – where they meet a rather helpful "nowhere man" named Jeremy Hilary Boob Ph.D, and sing the song " Nowhere Man" in reference to him.Sea of Monsters – where a monstrous "vacuum cleaner beast" sucks up the entire landscape and then itself, freeing them.Sea of Science – where they sing " Only A Northern Song",.Sea of Time – where time flows both forwards and backwards to the tune of " When I'm 64",.The five journey back to Pepperland in the yellow submarine, passing through several regions:

yellow submarine album songs

Ringo collects his "mates" John, George, and finally Paul. Old Fred travels to Liverpool (whose scene is set by " Eleanor Rigby"), where he follows the depressed and aimless Ringo and persuades him to return to Pepperland with him. In the last minute before his own capture, Pepperland's elderly Lord Mayor sends Old Fred, a sailor, (whom the mayor calls "Young Fred") off in the Yellow Submarine to get help. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which falls under a surprise attack by the music-hating Blue Meanies, who seal the band inside a music-proof bubble, turn the Pepperlanders into statues, and drain the countryside of colour. In the beginning of the story, Pepperland is introduced by a narrator as a cheerful music-loving paradise under the sea, protected by Sgt.

Yellow submarine album songs